Western Impressions
Mumbai journey was a shocker. I used to think I was rather worldly wise. But I have seen a new poverty today. Slums were as I imagined but even more surreal. The little shops selling food and goods were around 2.5 meters squared. And filled with people. I was glad to see they were doing a good trade. An entrepreneurial spirit was apparent, weather driven by ambition or necessity, i dont know.
Outsider. I wasn’t prepared for the clothes shock. I brought only shorts and short sleeved tops, and flip flops, bar a crop trouser and chemise and a pair of espadrilles. Looks like this will be my outfit for the holiday as anything else elicited too many stares and (I am imagining) judgements. I feel like the idiot abroad not respecting their culture, or researching well enough.
One sees real communities, friendships, families here.
To know a country, you need to know their culture. You can read about it, you can observe it. But you can never really understand it because you are not in it. You are a voyeur.
Taxi’s. Taxis are so cute here!!! But all the honking? There must be a secret right of way only locals know. Knuckle clenching, unseatbelted agony of a journey. I always know when I am in a highly religious country, they put their fate in their deity. And mine too.
Arrival night. This place gives a new meaning to minimalist. First night was yummy food. Tasty vegetarian curries and Dahl. Meanwhile other fellow detoxers (arrived days before me) looked longingly at my spread. As I watched them linger over the vegetable broth as if to make the meal last, to trick themselves it was a savory treat. I know better. I am lining up for the cull tomorrow, and will be doing the same to all new comers.
Tonight‘s talk was alkaline vs acid. You should make every effort to eat alkaline promoting foods and avoid acid promoting foods. Everything I love, cheese, wine, coffee, bread, meat, fish, etc. are on the NO list. On the YES list is fruit, leafy green veggies, most other veggies, pulses, water, oxygen, and sprouts. So, salad, water and air? I think I shall move to France and forget the whole thing. At least I will die happy.
Day one. Wake up to yoga overlooking the beach. Some me time. Just slowing down to feel my breath in my body was very beautiful. Tingly and energizing.
I never had a chance to feel hungry. Every 1.5 hours was a juice or broth and loads of supplements and wheatgrass, aloe juice, and phylum husks. With about a gallon of water. So far so good. Good night for now. Beach tomorrow. 

Day two. Wake up, hot lemon water, body brushing, yoga on beach, supplements, Aloe Vera juice, and fresh juice. Another lovely morning feeling fine today. Not too tired. No headaches, yet. Had to drag myself to the massage hut for my Ayurvedic massage that had special oil and herbs and spices in it to nourish, and detoxify. I counted at least 15. Was a little like sand in the oil but quite nice in a way as I imagined I was getting an exfoliation as well! Problem. I now smell of food, that I can’t eat. Nor can I wash off because the benefits would be lost. I may have to meditate the smell away.. .concentrate on the sound of the ocean, whoosh, whoosh.
Day three. I was so tired last night. I actually got 10 hours sleep. All this relaxing.. makes me tired. Same yoga, juice routine every day, getting to grips with it. Actually have a schedule where I have something to do every 1.5 hours. Today was a meeting with hypnotherapist. I had to tell her my phobias and fears. Could I tell her that I was afraid that she might take those fears away, that they were serving me, my protection? After a long discussion, I conceded. I just hope I like the new me.
Day four. Starting to look good!! Inches dropping off it feels like and still not hungry. After my Marma massage today, and the salt, avocado, basil, clay, coconut,etc.etc, scrub and wrap, I am going shopping in the local town. They give you a talk in how herbs and spices can heal nearly every ailment, so off to bag some local, cheap, miracle cures.
To be continued…..