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What is an Ayurvedic Facelift?

What is an Ayurvedic Facelift? Gina Conway Aveda Salons and Spas

Marc, Ayurvedic Facelift Massage Therapist


Ayurvedic Facelift…it sounds like a contradiction in terms right? Ayurvedic principles are based on the ancient Hindu art of healing and they are founded chiefly on naturopathy and homoeopathy practises. A facelift in the modern sense of the word can be an evasive and harsh solution involving surgical incisions and skin removal. However, if we think of a facelift that is achieved through natural means with no cutting or needles and with botanical ingredients then the partnership of these two words makes sense. And I am told by our Master Therapist Marc, who specialises in this new treatment at Gina Conway Wimbledon, the Ayurvedic Facial is easier to pronounce than Mukha-Abhyanga (the original name).


However, what really matters is the results and how they are achieved. The Ayurvedic Facelift massage is an ancient anti-aging technique for the face that lifts fine lines and wrinkles, encourages radiance and promotes the regeneration of healthy, glowing skin. Marc achieves this by first asking questions through a mini constitutional consultation before targeting reflex/energy points (Marma therapy) to release toxins (Ama) in the body, then nourish them to improve circulation and lymph flow. This release of toxins built up in these energy points not only makes a difference to your face but it can also improve your general well-being and can have an effect on bloating and other symptoms of toxic build up.


Being a busy working Mum in my 40’s I am all for healthy, nourished, plump, glowing skin so I was keen to try this new facial. Marc was right in saying that this treatment affects not only the face but the whole body as well. It was deeply relaxing right from the beginning, it helped that Marc has an extremely calm and experienced manner. You feel very at ease as he asks questions to determine your constitution which then affects the choice of aromatic oil he uses. After a refreshing foot soak Marc cleanses your face before he begins working on the energy points. Marc was extremely steady with his touch and pressure and is very skilled with his approach, he used various repetitions of strokes and movements on my face, head and down my neck. It felt luxurious and as I said before truly relaxing and stress relieving. I didn’t want to leave the spa room!


Marc mentioned that in order to see the amazing benefits of this treatment it would be ideal to have one a week for six weeks but after one I have already noticed a glow that had been missing from my skin for a while and the next day, my face did feel tighter, was it the facelift, perhaps I need to try another one to be sure.


Written by,
Shannon Paton
Communications Director, Gina Conway

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