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The Detox – Day 2

The Detox - Day 2 Gina Conway Aveda Salons and Spas

Monday, 7th Jan 2013 – Day 2 – The Detox

I woke up feeling absolutely fine; however after an hour of getting the children off to school, I was starting to feel quite weak and tired. I drank my Aloe and went for a walk, followed by some lovely house work. By 11am I was feeling energised and after my mid morning snack of Bee Pollen and a cup of herbal Tea I settled down to work.  I am not weighing myself today; I think it is best to wait till tomorrow, Day three.

I worked through ‘lunch’ where I would normally have had two lattes (wow, that’s a £6 saving) as well as a sandwich or baguette – more money and more pounds saved! I quite like the shake and think after my clean 9 I could have this as a lunch substitute with a banana or other fruit added.

Though I’m hungry, when I think about it, I am not starving or feel faint.  If I do feel tired, I’ve found getting active gives me new energy.

Tonight my dearest husband offered to cook dinner for the kids – except – ‘Mel, how do I do xxxx and what do I do next’… at least he tried.  Last time I did the detox I cooked him a Sunday roast which he ate in front of me and complained he’d eaten too much! When I regaled the story to his mother, her only comment was ‘What sort of potatoes did you serve with it’…OMG she was serious!!!

So I’m pretty proud of my will power and I have survived!  I am looking forward to Day 3 so I can weigh myself, be rewarded and have a meal!

Written by Melissa Harris
If you are interested in finding out more about this detox, please email

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